Globe House
25 storey, 576 bed Student Accommodation building in the centre of Porstmouth
Fish Strand Hill
25 storey, 576 bed Student Accommodation building in the centre of Porstmouth
Fish Strand Hill
25 storey, 576 bed Student Accommodation building in the centre of Porstmouth
Fish Strand Hill
25 storey, 576 bed Student Accommodation building in the centre of Porstmouth
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Little Holme
Student Accommodation
ECE Westworks were appointed to design and deliver a purpose-built student accommodation development on a brownfield site in a city centre location.
The proposal comprises circa. 650 beds, in a mixture of studio and cluster apartments. The development responds to complex local site conditions consisting of flooding and existing underground services. This has resulted in circa 1000sqm of high quality internal private amenity space. The resulting building footprint has allowed the client to provide a large amount of covered and open hard and soft landscape spaces.